IDBI Bank Account Opening Online : In this article I will tell you how you can open an online bank account in IDBI bank, inside this bank account you will get ATM card , cheque book , passbook along with you can activate mobile banking and net banking instantly and You can complete the full KYC of this account sitting at home through video kyc.

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Step By Step To IDBI Bank Account Opening Online
1st step – You have to come to the official website of IDBI bank, you will find its link in the click here option
2nd step – after coming to this link, here you will have the accounts after You have to come to the option, here you get to see the option of saving account, you have to select it and here you get to see an account saving account using video KYC, then you have to click on this option
3rd step – after that click video kyc account You will get to see the option of opening, you can complete your KYC through video, for this you do not even need to go to the branch, you can manage everything sitting at home
4th step – to open the account here you can click on video kyc, You get to see here You have to click after that a new page will open, here you are told welcome to IDBI Bank online account opening through video kyc. Here you have to tick all, to open the account, you will tick all then only you open the account You can do this, the requirement of this is mentioned here that as you should have a PAN card, 18 plus your age and you should be an Indian citizen, all you have to do is tick out, after that the option of continue To see it, you have to click on the continue option below
5th step – then here you get to see the option of let’s get started, now you have to select your title here, mister or whatever your title is, here it is. But you have to select, after that you have to enter the fast name of the applicant here, whatever your name is, you have to enter the first name here, after that you have to enter your middle name here, after that here you have to enter the mobile number, here you have to enter the mobile number which is registered in the Aadhar card. The number is the same mobile number here you have to enter, after that you have to tick out the terms condition then here you have to click on continue
6th step – after that an OTP will be sent to your mobile number, you have to enter the same OTP here. Then here you have to click on validate option
7th step – then here you have to enter your email id then here you have to click on continue
8th step – After that, what are the things you will need here to open an online account and to do the video kyc like this you have been mentioned here like you should have Aadhar card, original pan card and you have what should be a white blank paper one in which signing with blue or black pen will have to be shown here. And just your account will be open easily, you have to continue it
9th step – after that you have to enter your PAN card number here, then here you have to click on validate PAN option. After that your PAN card will be validated, then here you have to click on continue. After that whatever will be the details in your PAN card, it will be available for you to see here. After checking it out you will click on continue
10th step – After that here you will get to see the name and reference number in your details that you have to confirm it, then here you have to click on continue
11th step – After that now you have to enter your Aadhaar number here, after that here you have to click on validate Aadhaar. Then your Aadhaar number will be validated here, now you have to click on continue here
12th step – After that, whatever mobile number is registered in your Aadhaar, an OTP will be sent in it, you have to validate the OTP by entering the same OTP here, after validating the Aadhaar OTP, here you have to click on continue, here You have to give your additional data such as whatever is the father name in your Aadhar card, here you have to enter the mother name, here you have to enter the date of birth automatic Your date of birth in Aadhaar will come here, after that here you have to select your marital status, whether it is single or married, after that your education here. You have to select whatever your level is, here you have to select it, then here you have to select your religion Hindu, Muslim, whatever your religion is, you have to select it here, after that here you have to select your category. You have to select General, OBC, ST, whatever your category is. Here you have to select. After that here you get to see an option called residential status. resident, individual, You have to click on the option. If you have CKYC number then here you can enter, otherwise you can leave which is optional, okay after filling up all the details you have to click on continue
13th step – after that here you have to enter your address details.
14th step – then you have to give the employment name here, but if you select a student, then you enter your name, there will be no problem, right after that here you will get your source of income has to be selected here, after that you have to put your gross monthly income here, whatever will be your monthly income, after that it will automatically come here annually income, after that click on continue here
15th step – After doing nomination comes an option of nomination do you want to add nominee inside your bank account if you want to do then click on yes option then here you have to click on continue
16th step – after that here you will get to see the text resident details here, first, whatever your state of barth is, here you select After that, here you have to enter your place of birth here, then here you have to click on continue
17th step – after that here you have to select your account type here, see the account type here. You will get to see a lot of account which is such a best account of video saving account, women, saving account, senior, citizen, saving account, high network, saving account, your saving account is right here if you can see If you are within eighteen to thirty years then you can open this saving account here if you want, you can open saving account normal one is fine if you want digital saving account and your add is within eighteen to thirty years then you Here you can open this saving account, whichever account you select here How much minimum balance will you have to maintain within the same account, it has been mentioned here as if I selected this saving account, according to my address, how much I have to maintain here is mentioned here if you have different If you select the account, then here you will get to see the amount, after that whatever you want to open the account, you have to select the account type, then here you have to click on continue,
18th step – after that here you will find your branch. You have to select, first of all, whatever your state is, here you have to select it, then here you have to select your city, state and after selecting the city, how much branch remains inside the city, it is here for you to see. For this, you will get the nearest branch in the form of the list, here you have to select the branch, after selecting the branch, the ID of the automatic branch, RPO name and here you will get the OBST code here for you to see. After selecting all you have to click on continue.
19th step – Then here you will come here by banking channel, services. What features do you want to take inside your bank account, what services do you want to take, you have to select it here.
If you want to take your email statement, then you have to tick it out, for ATM card, for mobile banking, for check book, if you select ATM card. Here you will have to enter the name which you want to put in your debit card and after ticking all you have to click on the continue option
20th step – after that here you have to see the option of video kyc. If you want, you can start video kyc now, here you have to click on the option of yes start kyc now, if you want not to do this video now, you want to do video kyc later in your free time. So even for that here you timing is given such that from 10 in the morning to 6 in the evening you can easily do video kyc By clicking on your KYC video, you can complete your KYC by selecting your time and scheduling it accordingly. If you want to start with video kyc, then here you have to click on the option with yes start my video kyc. After that the terms and condition has to be accepted by clicking here. Then here you have to click on continue
21th step – As you click on continue, whoever will be the representative of IDBI to do video kyc, he will be connected with you and you can easily complete the full KYC of your account by starting video kyc. If you want to do KYC later, then in the same case you have to click on the option here with no I want to schedule letter, then here you have to click on continue, after that here you have your schedule date. Here you have to select, here you have to select your scheduled time here you have to select at which time you will be free to do KYC then here you have to click on continue then here you will have your appointment which would be the details It is here that you will get to see the slot timing, your name will be available here for you to see, you will get an SMS on your mobile at the same time, in the same SMS you will get to see the link to do kyc. Bank representative will contact with you from whichever date you have selected to schedule your video kyc and at whatever time you have selected, an SMS will come to you in the same SMS to see a link. You will have to start video kyc by clicking the link of the same website
22th step – once you are confirmed with your video kyc, whatever your account details are, you will get it instantly through SMS and through email , if you want the passbook, then you have to go to your branch to collect the passbook, whatever your branch selects here. You can collect your passbook by going to the same branch as you did, once your video is completed from here, you can easily manage your account and this account is this lifetime, you can access this account.
So friends, similarly a saving account in IDBI Bank can open
Live Process Video : IDBI Bank Account Opening Online
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IDBI Bank Account Opening Online process step by step
IDBI Bank Account Opening Online full details 2023
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