How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
Upstox Account Opening Online 2023 Full Process : Welcome to another new video of Finance Fit,
so today we will learn step-by-step how you
can open your Demat Account with India’s Leading Broker Upstox in just 5 minutes
and currently Upstox Limited Offer is also running.
If yes, then the link to open the Detail of Offers and Demat Account
is given in the description below, click
on the link and take advantage of the offer,
then as soon as you click on the link,
you will reach the Play Store
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
where you have to download the Upstox App.
But open the app,
where you will see the option of ‘Create New Account’, click
Read Also:-
that option, then the process of account opening starts from here,
then first you have to enter your mobile number, enter the
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
mobile number and ‘Get OTP’ below. Click on
Now OTP will come on that mobile number, fill it
and click on ‘Continue’
Now you have to create a 6-
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox

digit PIN, this PIN will be useful for you to open Upstox’s App
Create a PIN from your mind and on Continue Click here,
after that you have to enter the same PIN again and confirm,
now you have to click here But you have to fill your email
ID, fill the email ID and click on ‘Update’,
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
after this your email ID will be shown on your
screen, confirm and click on ‘Get OTP’
Now an OTP on the email ID you entered You will
have to fill it here, fill
the OTP and click on ‘Continue’,
How to Open Demat Account in Upstox
now you will be asked for your PAN and AADHAAR Card details,
click on ‘Continue’ and proceed,
now you have to enter your PAN details here
first. Enter your PAN number
and after that enter the date of birth on that PAN number
and click on ‘Next’
Now from here your basic details will be asked
like Gender, Marital Status, How much is your Annual Income,
Occupation What is your
all Fill the Boxes and click on ‘Continue’
Here Upstox is giving you a chance to get a stock for free
then click on ‘I Want a Stock for ₹ 0’ below
and proceed
now you are here inside the box. Your full address will appear
if that address is correct then click on
‘Yes, this address is correct’ and proceed
now you will get here
You have to signature, keep in mind
that it is on your PAN card so that it can match with it
and there is no problem
in verification and if you are not able to
sign in one go then click on ‘Erase All’ and again Try Try
After Signing Click on ‘Continue’
Now you have to take a
photo for which Upstox will ask you for Camera Access
Be able to take your photo from the
camera Take a photo of yourself and click on ‘Continue’
Now you will be asked for the details of your bank
like first enter your name which is linked to your
bank account, enter the IFSC Code of that bank account
and below that you will get You have to enter your Bank Account Number
and then you have to re-enter that Bank Account Number one more time
and whether it is Account, Saving or Current, you have to select it
and click on Continue
and here are your Offers
₹ 0 Brokerage up to ₹ 1000
i.e., after the
account is opened, you do not have to pay the brokerage up to maximum ₹ 1000 for the next 30 days. If you
then click on the circle in front of Sign-up for Free
and slide down
below you are being
asked if your AADHAAR Card
is linked to the mobile number
then click on ‘Yes’
and further click on ‘Continue’
here But there is a Congratulations Message
that your Offers are On the Way
As soon as your account will be
activated, your Offers will also be activated
Click on ‘Continue’ and proceed
now you are being asked here
whether you are looking for Future & Option Segment If you want to activate now,
if you want, you can also do it later, then click on
‘No, I’ll do it later’
and proceed by clicking on ‘Continue’,
now you have to e-
sign for this ‘e Click on ‘Sign with AADHAAR OTP’
and now click on ‘e-Sign Now’ On the
next screen you have
to tick both the boxes and click on ‘Proceed to e-Sign’
and slide the application
down to ‘Sign’ Click on ‘Now’ Now the site
of NSDL will come in front
of you where you have to click on the box
and enter your AADHAAR Card Number
and click on ‘Send OTP’.
After that an OTP will come on that mobile number
which you have to fill on the next screen and click
on Again Box
and click on ‘Verify OTP’
Your Demat Account Opening Process has been completed
and now your Demat Account will be opened within three days,
then I hope this video will help you a lot to
open Demat Account in Upstox
and Offers is for Limited Period only
if you Upstox If you want to open a Demat account with us,
then open it as soon as possible, the
link is given in the description
and if you do not miss such videos,
then subscribe to the channel now
and like the video,
see you soon in the next video.
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