aadhar card update status check online: Dosto Agar Aap Aadhar Card Update Status Online Check Karna Chahete Ho Toh Ye Article Aap Keliye Bahut Hi Helpful Hoga. Dosto Aagar Aap Online Aur Offline Bhi Agar Apna Aadhar Card Mein Koi Bhi Correction Kare Ho Jaise Ki Name , Date of Birth , Father Name Aur Address Aur Abhi Aap Usha Status Check Karna Chahete Ho Ki Jo Aap Update or Correction Kiye The Woh Hogaya Hai Nahi Toh Aap Sahi Article Read Kar Rehe Ho Kyun ki Ish Article Pe Aapko Full Process Ke Sath Bataya Hai Ki Aap Kis Tarah Se Online Check Kar Sakte Ho.
Dosto UIDAI Yaniki Unique Identification Authority of India Aap ko Online Facility Provide Karata Hai Jo Aap Apna Mobile Se hi Dekh Sakte Ho Apna Aadhar Card Update Status. aadhar card update status check online

Check Aadhar Card Update Status Online
Checking the status of your Aadhaar card update online is a straightforward process. First, visit the official UIDAI website and locate the “Check Aadhaar Update Status” option. Enter your Aadhaar number and the Update Request Number (URN) or Service Request Number (SRN) provided during the update process. After verifying your identity through OTP, you can view the current status of your update request, whether it’s processed, under process, or rejected. If processed, download and print your updated Aadhaar card for future reference. Stay informed and effortlessly track your Aadhaar card update status online.
Aadhar Card Updatation
In today’s digital era, Aadhaar has become an essential identity document for Indian citizens. It contains vital information such as biometric and demographic details, making it crucial to keep the information up to date. Updating your Aadhaar card is necessary to ensure that your personal information is accurate and reflects any changes that may have occurred. In this article, we will guide you on how to check the updated status of your Aadhaar card online.
Importance of Updating Aadhaar Card
The Aadhaar card serves as a unique identification document for Indian residents. It is essential to keep the information on your Aadhaar card accurate and up to date. Updating your Aadhaar card is necessary for various situations such as:
- Change of address
- Change in name or surname
- Update in contact details
- Correction of biometric information
By keeping your Aadhaar card updated, you ensure that it reflects your current details and enables smooth transactions and interactions with government agencies, financial institutions, and other service providers.
Steps to Update Aadhaar Card Information
To update your Aadhaar card information, follow these simple steps:
1. Visit the official website of UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India).
2. Click on the “Update Aadhaar Card” or similar option.
3. Enter your Aadhaar card number and other required details.
4. Select the fields you want to update, such as name, address, contact details, etc.
5. Upload the necessary supporting documents as per the required updates.
6. Review the information you have provided and make corrections if needed.
7. Submit the request for updating your Aadhaar card information.
8. You will receive an acknowledgment slip containing an Update Request Number (URN).
Aadhaar Card Update Status Check: Online Method
After submitting your request for updating your Aadhaar card, you can quickly check the status of your update online. Here’s how:
Step 1: Visit the official UIDAI website
Go to the official website of UIDAI by typing “https://uidai.gov.in/” in your web browser’s address bar and press Enter.
Step 2: Access the Aadhaar Update Status Check
On the UIDAI website’s homepage, locate the “My Aadhaar” tab and hover over it. From the dropdown menu, select the “Aadhaar Update” option. This will redirect you to the Aadhaar Self-Service Update Portal.
Step 3: Enter your URN and Aadhaar number
Step 4: Verify the security code and click on “Submit”
Step 5: View the status of your Aadhaar card update
Once you click on “Submit,” the website will display the current status of your Aadhaar card update request. The status could be one of the following:
- Under Review
- Approved
- Rejected
- On-Hold
- Updation in Progress
Make a note of the status or take a screenshot for future reference.
Documents Required for aadhar card update
POA (Proof of Address) documents
containing Name and Address for aadhar card update
- Passport
- Bank Statement/ Passbook
- Post Office Account Statement/ Passbook
- Ration Card
- Voter ID
- Driving License
- Government Photo ID cards/ service photo identity card
issued by PSU - Electricity Bill (not older than 3 months)
- Water Bill (not older than 3 months)
- Telephone Landline Bill (not older than 3 months)
- Property Tax Receipt (not older than 1 year)
- Credit Card Statement (not older than 3 months)
- Insurance Policy
- Signed Letter having Photo from Bank on letterhead
- Signed Letter having Photo issued by registered
Company on letterhead - Signed Letter having Photo issued by Recognized
Educational Institution on letterhead or Photo ID having
address issued by Recognized Educational Institution - NREGS Job Card
- Arms License
- Pensioner Card
- Freedom Fighter Card
- Kissan Passbook
- Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/ update
POR (Proof of Relationship) documents containing
Name of applicant and Name of HoF (Head of Family)
- PDS Card
- MNREGA Job Card
- CGHS/ State Government/ ECHS/ ESIC Medical card
- Pension Card
- Army Canteen Card
- Passport
- Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal
Corporations and other notified local government bodies
like Taluk, Tehsil etc. - Any other Central/ State government issued family
entitlement document - Marriage Certificate issued by the government
- Address card having name and photo issued by
Department of Posts - Bhamashah Card/Jan-Aadhaar card issued by Govt. of
Rajasthan - Discharge card/ slip issued by Government hospitals for
birth of a child - Certificate of Identity having a photo issued by MP or
MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor or Gazetted Officer
on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/
update - Certificate of Identity having photo and relationship with
HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its
equivalent authority (for rural areas) on UIDAI standard
certificate format for enrolment/ update
DOB (Date of Birth) documents containing Name and DOBÂ
- Birth Certificate
- SSLC Book/ Certificate
- Passport
- Certificate of Date of Birth issued by Group A Gazetted
Officer on UIDAI standard certificate format for
enrolment/ update - A certificate (in UIDAI standard certificate format for
enrolment/ update) or ID Card having a photo and Date
of Birth (DOB) duly signed and issued by a Government
authority - Photo ID card having Date of Birth, issued by
Recognized Educational Institution - PAN Card
- Marksheet issued by any Government Board or
University - Government Photo ID Card/ Photo Identity Card issued
by PSU containing DOB
POI (Proof of Identity) documents
containing Name and Photo
- Passport
- PAN Card
- Ration/ PDS Photo Card
- Voter ID
- Driving License
- Government Photo ID Cards/ Service photo identity card
issued by PSU - NREGS Job Card
- Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution
- Arms License
- Photo Bank ATM Card
- Photo Credit Card
- Pensioner Photo Card
- Freedom Fighter Photo Card
- Kissan Photo Passbook
- CGHS/ ECHS Photo Card
- Address Card having Name and Photo issued by
Department of Posts - Certificate of Identity having photo issued by Gazetted
Officer or Tehsildar on UIDAI standard certificate format
for enrolment/ update - Disability ID Card/ handicapped medical certificate
issued by the respective State/ UT Governments/
Administrations - Bhamashah Card/Jan-Aadhaar card issued by Govt. of
Rajasthan - Certificate from Superintendent/ Warden/ Matron/ Head
of Institutions of recognized shelter homes or orphanages
etc. on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/
update - Certificate of Identity having a photo issued by MP or
MLA or MLC or Municipal Councilor on UIDAI standard
certificate format for enrolment/ update - Certificate of Identity having photo issued by Village
Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority
(for rural areas) on UIDAI standard certificate format for
enrolment/ update - Gazette notification for a name change
- Marriage certificate with photograph
- RSBY Card
- SSLC book having candidates photograph
- ST/ SC/ OBC certificate with photograph
- School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/ School Transfer
Certificate (TC), containing name and photograph - Extract of School Records issued by Head of School
containing name and photograph - Bank Pass Book having name and photograph
- Certificate of Identity containing name and photo issued
by Recognized Educational Institution signed by the Head
of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate format for
enrolment/ update. - Certificate of identity containing Name, DOB and
Photograph issued by Employees’ Provident Fund
Organization (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate
format for enrolment/ update
Process of aadhar card update status check online
The process of checking the updated status of your Aadhar card is fairly simple and can be done online or through the Aadhar card enrollment center. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check the updated status of your Aadhar card:
- Visit the official website of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at https://uidai.gov.in/.
- Click on the “Aadhar Services” tab at the top of the page.
- From the drop-down menu, select the “Check Aadhar Status” option.
- You will be redirected to a new page where you need to enter your enrollment ID and the date and time of your enrollment. This information can be found on the enrollment slip that was given to you at the time of enrollment.
- Enter the security or captcha code displayed on the page and click “Check Status”.
- If your Aadhar card has been generated, you will see a message stating that your Aadhar card is ready for download. You can download your Aadhar card by clicking on the “Download Aadhar” button and following the prompts.
- If your Aadhar card is still under process, you will see a message stating that your Aadhar card is under process and will be delivered to your registered address within 90 days.
You can also check the updated status of your Aadhar card by visiting the nearest Aadhar card enrollment center. Simply provide your enrollment ID and other details to the enrollment center staff, and they will be able to tell you the status of your Aadhar card.
If you need to update any of your personal details on your Aadhar card, you can do so by visiting an enrollment center or submitting an online update request through the UIDAI website.
Live Process Video
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I update my Aadhaar card information online?
– Yes, you can update your Aadhaar card information online through the UIDAI website.
How long does it take to process an Aadhaar card update?
– The processing time for an Aadhaar card update may vary. The changes typically take a few weeks to reflect in your updated Aadhaar card
Is there any fee for updating Aadhaar card details?
– No, updating Aadhaar card details is free of cost. You are not required to pay any fee for the update process.
What if my Aadhaar card update request gets rejected?
– If your Aadhaar card update request gets rejected, you can reapply with the correct information and supporting documents.
Can I check the Aadhaar update status through a mobile app?
– Yes, you can check the Aadhaar update status through the mAadhaar mobile app provided by UIDAI.
In conclusion, the process of checking the updated status of your Aadhar card is simple and can be done online or through the Aadhar card enrollment center. By visiting the UIDAI website or the enrollment center and providing your enrollment ID and other relevant details, you can easily find out whether your Aadhar card has been generated and is ready for download or if it is still under process. If you need to update any of your personal details on your Aadhar card, you can do so by visiting an enrollment center or by submitting an online update request through the UIDAI website. I hope this information helps you check the updated status of your Aadhar card.